Track Certificate Program

Practical. Applicable.

Too many courses and programs in the Neuroscience space ask you to commit to an intensive program of study right from the beginning. Where do you turn for clinical and applicable skills and tools? We created the Track Certificate Program to fill this niche. To allow you to study Functional Neurology, all while applying this clinically. Increase your clinical confidence with a Certificate available by attending our Track program at the annual conference, while completing an online test to receive a Certificate in Functional Neurology.

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Pre-Track FREE Online Program.

To ensure each participant in the Track Program has a foundational level of understanding in the Functional Neurology space.

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Certificate Testing.

Obtain the hours and knowledge by attending our 2020 conference with the Track educational programs. Sign up here for the testing to receive the Certificate in either Functional Neurology Foundations or Concussion Certificate.